What’s NEW?

This section contains a summary of updates for the 2024-2025 OSSLT administration.

Updates to the OSSLT User Guides

The user guide is published online after an annual review. Please refer to this 2024-2025 guide for the most current guidelines.

Updated Literacy Graduation Requirement

All students are required to meet the secondary school literacy graduation requirement to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). For most students, this means successfully completing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). Students who do not successfully complete the OSSLT will have additional opportunities to meet the literacy graduation requirement in accordance with the policies pertaining to the OSSLT, the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC), or the adjudication process.

As of the 2024-25 school year, the eligibility criteria to access the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC) is returning to the policy as outlined in Ontario Schools, 2016 (p. 64).
If a student has had two opportunities to take the OSSLT and has been unsuccessful at least once, the student is eligible to enroll in the OSSLC. Principals have the discretion to allow a student to enroll in the OSSLC before they have had a second opportunity to take the OSSLT, if the principal determines that it is in the best educational interest of the student. Mature students may enrol directly in the OSSLC.

Professional Responsibilities

This section has been moved for easier access and review by all individuals involved in the administration of the OSSLT. These Professional Responsibilities must be read and attested to in the e-assessment system upon logging in.

Scheduling Assessment Sessions

A new feature in the e-assessment system allows for teachers/invigilators to schedule assessment sessions in advance of the administration window (for example prior to November 5, 2024). Scheduling early provides visibility for EQAO’s technical support. Scheduled assessment sessions can be changed by the school at any time if needed during the administration window. For more information about scheduling assessment sessions refer to Scheduling and monitoring assessment sessions.

Unsubmitting a Session

New system updates are in place for the 2024-25 school year. Automatic unsubmissions by the teacher will be unavailable 1 hour after a student submits a session. Schools should ensure they schedule accordingly so that students have the required amount of time to complete a session in one continuous, supervised sitting. Scheduling the appropriate amount of time is within the school’s responsibility and not a reason to reopen a session once students have already seen the test questions. If an administration irregularity occurs, and the school would like special consideration to re-open a session it must be requested using the process outlined in this user guide for EQAO’s consideration. It is important to review these new system updates here so that students will not be impacted when writing the test.

Guest Students

The instructions for administrators regarding how guest students will access the assessment have been updated. This information can be found in the Setting Up for Administrators section under the tab Guest Students.

Supports for all students

Information about supports for all students, including students with Special Education Needs, English language learners, permitted accommodations and the alternative version are located in the section Administration Guidelines and Supports for all Students.

Individual Student Report(ISR)

All eligible students will receive an ISR. Please refer to the Framework for details.

Domain Safelist

The domain safelist for the network and technical readiness checklist has been updated. No further additions to the domain safelist are required but users should reference here for public schools and here for private schools for any additional security measures.


For the spring 2025 administration, the KIOSK application will no longer be supported by Google Chrome. EQAO is working with their school board IT professional partners and this information will be shared before the spring administration.

Updated on October 11, 2024