Guest Students

A student is a guest student if they are enrolled in a school, for example a virtual school, and needs to complete the practice test or the OSSLT at another school under the supervision of school staff.
A guest student’s results will be accessed by their school where they are enrolled.
The school where the student is enrolled (the sending school) and the school where the student physically will be writing the assessment (the receiving school) must communicate with one another during the guest student process. Both schools must work together to operationalize how the guest students will access the assessment. The receiving school must be a bricks and mortar school where they will be supervised by an educator adhering to the professional responsibilities. Students may not write the assessment in any other location (virtually, at home, etc.).
These are the steps to follow for guest students:

  1. The administrator of the school the student is enrolled in must complete the technical readiness checklist and assign the student to a class/grouping with a teacher at the enrolled (sending) school.
  2. The assigned teacher of the sending school must log into the system and retrieve the pink access code assigned to the class.
  3. The sending school must communicate the pink access code to the school where the guest student(s) will be writing (receiving school) the test.
  4. The receiving school teacher must log into their account and Add Guest Student(s) from the students tab.
  5. The receiving teacher enters the pink access code from the sending school. This allows the receiving teacher to invigilate the test for students from the sending class.
  6. When guest student(s) arrive at receiving school, they log in using their OEN and the pink access code from the receiving teacher’s invigilation page. The receiving teacher will now see any logged in student on their list and be able to invigilate the assessment.

Sending school administrators may assign multiple students to the same grouping only if they will be completing the OSSLT in person at the same school. This generates the same access code.

Students writing in different schools should not be assigned to the same grouping.

The teacher from the sending school should not schedule the practice test or the OSSLT for students that have been added to groupings at another school as guest students.

Updated on October 1, 2024